Friday, 29 July 2016

Avoid Unplanned Pregnancies by Calculating the Safe Period Dates

Though pregnancy is always a very happy moment for all sometimes unplanned or accidental pregnancies raises concern and confusions. At this juncture it is very important to understand the monthly menstrual cycle which is an outflow of blood from the uterus to a small opening in the cervix and released through the vagina. Lack of knowledge about the ovulation period and fertile days results in several infertility issues like miscarriages, reduction of male sperm and eggs, thinner endometrial lining and various other problems. To avoid becoming pregnant without the use of contraceptives or artificial birth control methods it is essential to calculate the safe periods when you can enjoy a good round of sexual intercourse without getting pregnant. In order to do so it is necessary to know what reliable methods are available? 

Reliable Safe Period Calculator:
Menstruation is a process which varies from one woman to another. Generally a menstrual cycle lasts for 26 to 28 days but if it lasts longer than 28 days then safe period is not reliable. Menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. In this connection it is effective if instead of counting your fertile days on fingers you employ the service s of safe period calculator which will offer you the accurate time frame within which you can have safe sex without any fear of conceiving. 

During unsafe days never get involved in sexual encounters, usage of condoms, caps or other contraceptive pills or methods. A safe period calculator is a device where you have to insert the first day of your last period and the time length of your last menstruation cycle. Once you type these two types of essential information you can obtain the exact safe and unsafe dates for getting involved in sexual intercourses. But even pregnancy avoiding calculators have loopholes as it cannot be applied by one and all.  

Limitation of Safe Period Calculators:
  • Any women whose menstrual cycle is less than 26 days but more than 32 days is not liable to use the safe period calculator. It becomes very important to consult the advice of a renowned doctor or experienced fertility experts.   
  • This device can also be employed after childbirth but under one condition which is the use of the calculator will serve good only after six regular menstrual cycles.
  • Women who attain menopause cannot rely upon safe period calculators as they will serve to be of no use due to the stoppage of menstrual cycle. 
    Thus from the above points we can accumulate the facts that Pregnancy can be evaded only with a proper knowledge about the various stages of menstrual cycle which are namely the Follicular phase, Ovulation period and the Luteal phase.
  • The follicular phase occurs in between the second and fourteenth day when the body releases hormones that stimulate the eggs to grow in the ovaries as well as thickens the uterus lining to receive the fertilized eggs.  
  • The ovulation phase is very sensitive phase as a woman's chances of conceiving a baby is very high.   
  • Luteal phase is the last stage which can last from 10 to 16 days and ends up in a woman getting pregnant.  

Monday, 25 July 2016

Avail The Advice of Fertility Experts and Conceive Naturally after a Miscarriage

To become proud parents is indeed an auspicious occasion. Women who are expecting are flooded with  elderly advice on how to take care of their health, breastfeeding, post natal care etc. But very often joyous occasions turns into a nightmare with unprecedented mishaps such as miscarriages occurring within two to three months of pregnancy leaving you in a completely disturbed and depressed mood. It is has been quite commonly seen that out of five pregnant women one ends up in miscarriage within the first three months. 

Earlier there was a scarcity of well devised equipments like ultrasounds by which you could monitor the movement of the baby. But now with the advent of sound medical equipments and tools a baby's gender, movements and health status can be easily figured out. The notion of Pregnancy is very subjective as many women have various opinion in this regard. For some 35 is the best age for a woman to conceive as by that time she would be self sufficient to build her career, meet her future partner and competent enough to raise a family. 

But it is more likely seen that women between the ages of 35 and 45 are subject to greater fertility challenges and miscarriages. A question that always baffles the minds of couples is- Will I become pregnant after a miscarriage? Many astute doctors, fertility experts and gynecologists have said that with the aid of precautionary measures and healthy tips your chances of getting pregnant after a miscarriage is very positive.  

What is Miscarriage and why does it Occur?

The factor of miscarriage is shrouded in mystery. The most meaningful definition that can be given of Miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. There are many reasons behind the occurrences of miscarriages like the abnormal development of the fetus, diabetes or uterine problem. Excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, strenuous workout regimes, stress, work overload etc also lead to fatal miscarriages. It is very difficult to keep an account of the actual number of miscarriages as many women miscarry even before they know they are pregnant.  

What Tips are Recommended to Conceive Naturally after A Miscarriage?

  • The first thing that you need to do before conceiving for a second time is to prepare mentally and infuse the positive vibe that it is possible to become pregnant even after a miscarriage. The most important thing is to keep a close watch on your menstrual cycle which is pivotal in calculating your ovulation period. Keep a handy ovulation calculator by your side and track down records of days when you experienced irregular blood flows and clots. 
  • Secondly check the cervical secretions which are very important in determining the right time to ovulate. Cervical secretions change considerably during the course of your menstrual cycle. So, if you see anything egg like, watery or stretchy exiting along with blood be sure that it is a positive hint towards ovulation. 
  • Thirdly by taking a basal body temperature you can get a clear idea whether you have ovulated or not. Basal body thermometer is a reliable form of device which gives an accurate knowledge of the body's fluctuating temperature during ovulation. 
  • If you had two or more miscarriages in a row the best advise is to immediately consult a Fertility expert or a leading specialist who can provide you an essential guide towards conducting some fertility tests and beneficial counselling so that you can happily conceive again without any harmful effects. 
Though miscarriage brings an aura of sadness and loneliness in a couple's life but by following a few essential guidelines and tips you too can experience the joy of motherhood.